Saturday 12 October 2013
Grayson Perry cut a ribbon and a cake to mark the official launch of the Wrabness Community Shop in Black Boy Lane.
The opening of the new shop coincided with the opening of Grayson Perry’s ‘A House for Essex’ further down Black Boy Lane and Grayson gave a talk to Wrabness locals that was filmed for Channel 4. The launch event was organised by Kati Vardon.
A monumental effort was required on the day of the move to Black Boy Lane and for a considerable time after the move. People spent numerous hours making sure everything was done. Stock was physically carried stock from Trevor’s old shop to the new premises in Black Boy Lane.
Picture by Kati Vardon
Key People
Tony Elliston who had steered the project from the beginning.
Bev Griggs who oversaw the transformation of the new premises, the move, transfer and installation of stock.
Martin and Vicky Pearce who provided much-needed practical support to make the building fit for purpose.
Kati Vardon who organised and managed the launch event.
Barry Harris, Kevin Thornicroft and Kati Vardon who set up and ran the bar/cafe.
Janni Weatherley who managed the shop (initially supported by Alice Cole)
Local volunteers who did numerous jobs as well as helping run the shop, café and bar.
Although the community shop had opened in Black Boy Lane, the adjoining flat (renting out the flat was key to funding the mortgage) needed a lot more work.
The Board continued to recruit members and by the end of 2014, there were 250 members and sufficient money to finish renovating the flat - which was then rented out.
Janet Higgins (who had been co-opted to the Board for a year) then left and Alasdair Ritchie joined later that year
As volunteers took on more roles in the new shop Alice Cole was able to step aside leaving her job-share, Janni Weatherley as sole manager
The bar grew in popularity with patronage becoming as valuable an asset to the village as the shop itself.
After their monumental efforts in raising funds to get the shop started, Tony Elliston and Janet Higgins withdrew from the project.
Bev Griggs became Chair of the Board with Alistair Ritchie (Vice Chair), Peter Vince (Company Secretary), Peter Collier and Chris Orlopp (Treasurer).
Kati Vardon resigned from the board 2015, due to change in employment that meant she was unable to commit the time required.
Martin Pearce took over from Kati Vardon to become Designated Premises Supervisor and licensee for the bar.
The café proved difficult to staff and was replaced by a hot drinks machine.
Lynne Troughton replaced Peter Vince as company secretary while Bev Griggs continued as Chair. Bev, Lynne, Alastair, Peter and Chris led the community shop/bar project together with a team of advisors, including Trevor Harvey and Harry Jones.
By 2016 some of the original shareholders needed to be re-paid. Issuing a new share offer together with a donation from Wrabfest enabled the repayment to take place.
Shop manager hours were increased from 10 to 25. Janni Weatherley as manager oversaw the introduction of an electronic till plus bar codes and product scanning.
2018: David North became bar manager.
Deb was appointed assistant manager to support Janni in June 2019.
Janni Weatherley decided to leave Wrabness.
Zoe replaced Janni – Zoe and Debbie were appointed joint managers in October 2019.
David North replaced Bev Griggs as Chair of the Board with Neil Richardson replacing Lynne Troughton as Company Secretary.