Deb and Zoe
Zoe and Deb became our shop managers in 2019.
Zoe first joined our shop as a volunteer. She says she has loved every day in both as a volunteer and a manager.
Deb joined as joint shop manager at the same time as Zoe and loves the buzz of the shop, the customers and the volunteers.
“Although we both knew about community shops, it wasn’t until we became involved at Wrabness that we saw just how much the shop has to offer, anything you want we have! However, we learnt early on that it’s not just about what we sell.
It’s the volunteers who make the shop what it is, you get a friendly hello when you walk in and they are all so helpful. We are also acutely aware of how important the shop is as a community hub. We are able to keep in touch with villagers and they with us and each other in a way that would just not otherwise be possible. It’s a great place to be and we look forward to coming in every day.”